The Message is patiently sitting right on the tip of our nose and we continually choose not to See It…

We Are All ONE.

As a Wonderful Hindu Metaphor Suggests: We Are Each One Facet, Perfectly Reflecting All Other Facets, Of One Infinitely Faceted Cosmic Jewel.

Contained within every cell in every Earthly-body is a delicately-coiled, informationally-coded, spiraling-strand of amino-acids, known as DNA, that Connects All Living Beings of Planet Earth To This Oneness.

The Air We Breathe, The Water We Drink, The Food We Eat, The Atoms We Become, All Of One Source, All Of One Earth, All Of One Universe.

Contained within almost every single tiny speck of “empty” space is practically the Entire History of the Cosmos, as described Electromagnetically! Photons, neutrinos, and an assortment of other whizzing, waving, bits of Universe, constantly passing in, off, and through us omnidirectionally, and all containing the entire 13.7 plus billion year Expanding Story known as Space/Time, known as Universe, and also Known as Us! (Electromagnetically speaking anyway.)

There can be no deviation from This, it is literally Written Into The very Fabric of Our Cosmic Being…

We Are All ONE!

With This Understanding Comes Great Responsibility!

As one Zen teacher describes It (from Buddhism by Huston Smith and Philip Novak):

Infinite Gratitude to All Things Past, Infinite Service to All Things Present, and Infinite Responsibility to All Things Future.

That sounds pretty Good to me! You might even say, right on the nose!